This is what it takes to calculate the 32th Fibonacci number using different algorithms:

Program ASM Cycles Time SPC Ticks TPC GHz
go/fast n/a 33554432 1.07 .0000000318884849 3884785485 115 3.6
cpp/loop 73 16777216 1.24 .0000000739097595 4458949373 265 3.6
cpp/formula 197 8388608 1.70 .0000002026557922 6122820225 729 3.6
haskell/zipwith 1172 2097152 1.05 .0000005006790161 3746184990 1786 3.6
cpp/binpow-matrix 326 2097152 1.75 .0000008344650268 6397243713 3050 3.7
haskell/iterate 1195 1048576 1.65 .0000015735626220 5595793250 5336 3.4
haskell/tail_recursion 1226 524288 1.50 .0000028610229492 5412116135 10322 3.6
cpp/matrixes 463 262144 1.07 .0000040817260742 3929302813 14989 3.7
haskell/object_dynamic 1302 262144 1.79 .0000068283081054 6194310938 23629 3.5
cpp/interpreter 3125 8192 1.89 .0002307128906250 6630889303 809434 3.5
java/Recursion n/a 256 3.55 .0138671875000000 12627210646 49325041 3.6
go/recursion n/a 256 5.04 .0196875000000000 16500964293 64456891 3.3
cpp/recursion 72 256 5.57 .0217578125000000 19965043683 77988451 3.6
pascal/recursion n/a 256 6.43 .0251171875000000 23133420087 90364922 3.6
cpp/decorators 366 256 6.50 .0253906250000000 23689139563 92535701 3.6
ada/recursion n/a 256 7.92 .0309375000000000 28847692428 112686298 3.6
java/Functions n/a 256 8.35 .0326171875000000 30248468868 118158081 3.6
rust/recursion 3998 256 9.54 .0372656250000000 34570318254 135040305 3.6
cpp/inlines 107 256 14.75 .0576171875000000 52913177508 206692099 3.6
cpp/functions 116 256 14.76 .0576562500000000 53047377262 207216317 3.6
cpp/static_member_functions 116 256 15.04 .0587500000000000 53785213373 210098489 3.6
lisp/recursion n/a 256 17.30 .0675781250000000 62178193527 242883568 3.6
cpp/classes 186 256 38.39 .1499609375000000 137496994045 537097632 3.6
cpp/stack_objects 173 256 49.31 .1926171875000000 175159526706 684216901 3.6
haskell/recursion 1208 256 50.17 .1959765625000000 196390691369 767151138 3.9
haskell/adt 1314 256 94.62 .3696093750000000 357756780509 1397487423 3.8
haskell/objects 1325 16 19.73 1.2331250000000000 70856899688 4428556230 3.6
rust/structs 4164 8 12.66 1.5825000000000000 45472349173 5684043646 3.6
java/Objects n/a 8 15.12 1.8900000000000000 54106302517 6763287814 3.6
haskell/polymorphic_recursion 2253 8 16.48 2.0600000000000000 61763515383 7720439422 3.7
go/structs n/a 4 20.74 5.1850000000000000 81348702338 20337175584 3.9
pascal/Objects n/a 2 20.31 10.1550000000000000 76199385946 38099692973 3.8
cpp/functions_with_new 269 1 16.64 16.6400000000000000 59339081163 59339081163 3.6
cpp/lambdas 309 1 21.19 21.1900000000000000 74621529742 74621529742 3.5
cpp/objects 898 1 23.79 23.7900000000000000 86306496098 86306496098 3.6
cpp/novirtual 419 1 152.95 152.9500000000000000 544414284349 544414284349 3.6

Program: File name as it's seen in the source code repository. ASM: Total number of Assembly instructions seen in the compiled .asm file; not every compiler provides this information though. Cycles: How many times the Fibonacci number has been calculated. Time: How many seconds it took to execute all calculations. SPC: How many seconds per each calculation. Ticks: How many total CPU ticks it took to execute all calculations, according to perf. TPC: How many ticks per a single calculation. GHz: TPC divided by SPC and divided by one billion; this is approximately how fast is the CPU; this metric for all programs is expected to have almost the same values, otherwise something is wrong with the method.

Optimization is disabled in all compilers.

If you want to add another program to the list, just submit a pull request to yegor256/fibonacci.

Here is index.xml with the data.

Built on 2022-03-18 by @yegor256 at "Linux 4.15.0-118-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 8 12:30:01 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" machine.